The St. Mang Church in Füssen

The monastery and the former Basilica of St. Mang date back to St. Magnus, an Irish missionary from the monastery of St. Gallen who worked in the Allgäu in the 8th century. Above his cell was the first church, which was extended and built over in the course of the centuries. The church was extended to its present size between the 11th and 14th centuries. The tower dates from 1200 and was ravaged and looted in the Thirty Years’ War, St. Mang was rebuilt in the Italian Baroque style by Johann Jakob Herkomer at the beginning of the 18th century. A light-flooded room, frescoes and marble characterize this style.

On the ceiling inside the church there are numerous frescoes with scenes from the life of Saint Magnus. At the high altar next to the tabernacle are figures of St. Columban, Benedict, Scholastica and Gallus – created by the sculptor Anton Sturm from Füssen. In a transparent relic cross is the staff of St. Magnus. Remarkable are the tamed dragon figures, which function as candle holders and priest seat holders. For countless generations Mary, the Mother of God, has found a special devotion to the faithful of Füssen in the late Gothic Madonna figure on the southern side altar. If you walk backwards from there, a small passage opens up in the wall behind which the crib is located. Under the organ, renovated in 2012, with its magnificent facade, a staircase leads down to the Baptistery. If you have a prayer request, you can write it down under the gallery at the Seliger-Franz-Xaver-Seelos prayer place. The priest Franz-Xaver Seelos (1819 – 1867) from Füssen was a blessing especially for the poor and sick in the United States. He was beatified on April 9, 2000.
During one of the regular church tours you can also visit the carved choir stalls, the hunting organ from 1703 as well as the crypt and crypt.
The Anna Chapel with the Füssen Dance of Death is accessible via the Museum of the City of Füssen in the Klosterhof.
The church St. Mang is open during the day. During the services, only the rear entrance door is open.
Further information on performances, seasons and tickets can be found at